Common WordPress Error August 6, 2021

Before you try to fix WordPress Error just make sure that your website has a full backup or not. if doesn’t have any backup then you can take a quick backup to install a WordPress Plugin. There have thousands of types of errors for a website we just trying to introduce you most common WordPress error for your website

WordPress Backup Plugins

Backups can either be taken by your web host qualified to host provider or you can use one of the many WordPress plugins. with this below plugin you can safely backup your WordPress website without any hesitation:

Most Common Errors WordPress And Their Solutions

There has thousands of WordPress problem which breaks your website. Most of the problem of your website comes from the wrong coding and conflict theme and plugins. Before you solve the problem just need to enable the debug mode:

1) WordPress Parse or Syntax Error.

2) Internal Server Error.

3) Error Establishing a Database Connection.

4) WordPress White Screen of Death.

5) Error ‘403 Forbidden’

7) WordPress Images Not Uploading.

8) Locked Out of the WordPress Admin Area.

9) WordPress Maintenance Mode Stuck.

10) 404 Errors and Missing Images on WordPress.

1. WordPress Parse or Syntax Error


This type of error often occurs on your WordPress website while you trying to add code snippets. you will see the website screen like above also while you add the wrong syntax to your function.php


Don’t worry, this message only means there’s an error in your code that must be corrected. Browsers are real sticklers for this type of thing and can throw a fit like this even for a missing bracket or semicolon.

To solve it, you ought to first of all not paste code snippets into your live site! this type of thing must first be tested during a development environment, that’s what it’s for. However, if you already see the error above, you’ll get to return in and proper whatever is wrong together with your syntax.

Luckily, this isn’t an excessive amount of a game because the browser will tell you exactly which file it’s issued with and even during which line the parsing error occurs. Now all you would like to try to do is dial into your server via FTP, browse to the enter question, right-click to edit, and find the road the error message is remarking.

Then, either correct the syntax (if you recognize how) or delete or disable the code in question.

After that, save and re-upload the file, then return to your site, refresh the page and you ought to be ready.

2. Internal Server Error.


Another common problem for WordPress websites is the “Internal Server Error” or “500 Internal Server Error” because it is additionally sometimes called.

It basically means something went wrong but your server was unable to spot the difficulty.

  • Check the .htaccess file its can be something wrong with the permalink.
  • Increase the WordPress memory limit. You can enhance your memory limit by adding this code to wp-config.php
define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '64M').

if you don’t want to increase the memory limit manually then you can do the task by adding an increased upload file size plugin to your website.

  • Deactivate all plugins.
  • Re-upload WordPress core files.
  • Talk with your hosting Provider.

3. Error Establishing a Database Connection.


Database connection error shows your website screen while your website can’t connect to the database.

  • Please check your database name in wp-config.php
  • Check the username and password in wp-config.php
  • Talk with your hosting provider.

4. WordPress White Screen of Death.


WordPress white screen fetches while some theme or plugins has been crashing.

  • Increase PHP memory limit for your website
  • Disable All WordPress Plugins.
  • Enable debug mode.
  • Temporary Rename the plugins directory name from wp-content/plugins.
  • Talk with hosting provider

5. Error ‘403 Forbidden’.

It is a really common error code that appears when the server isn’t ready to offer access to a specific page of your website. Usually, this error is amid a message ‘You don’t have permission to access the requested directory.’ Have a glance for a better understanding!

Such a mistake would occur during WordPress installation once you are accessing an internet site page once you are accessing your dashboard or login page, or inaccurately installed security plugins. It also can occur due to inaccurate file permissions on the server and fortuitous changes made by the WP hosting server.

  • If the error is due to plugins then deactivate WP plugins and activate them after a while to resolve the difficulty.
  • If the error has occurred due to the .htaccess file then connect your site in cPanel and download the .htaccess file to the pc. Now delete this file from the server.
  • If still unable to resolve the matter then it’d flow from to incorrect file permission which will be rectified by checking all files on WP site features file permission of 640 or 644.

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